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How to Sell Health Insurance Online - The First Phone Interview With the Prospect - Article Eight

Patient: Doctor, it hurts when I do this.

Doctor: Then don't do that.

Previously in this series.

We talked about developing rapport with the prospect on the telephone and we stressed how important it is to speak in a tone that matches the voice of the prospect on the other end of the phone. Less than 10% of the sales process is responsible for making the sale and that's the information given to the prospect. That means you had better close ranks with the larger percentage that says how you talk to them is the reason they buy from you. You have to talk to the prospect in a fashion acceptable to them.

The initial interview is crucial. The very first interview with the client should go something like this.

My name is George, I'm with Brand X Agency, I have a message here that you called regarding health insurance and I'll see if I can help you.

This is a technique that sales gurus Robert Ringer and Tom Hopkins employ and it is extremely effective. Say the next few words and do not talk again until they respond. Remember to stop talking. Critical.

What are your circumstances and how can I help? Now. Just listen. Critical.

If ya start talkin', then you won't lurn nuthin'

Let the first conversation go on until it runs out of steam. Why? They're about to tell you all the information you need to put them into the right policy. They are going to tell you how to sell them. You are about to find out that:

  • I'm currently insured by Blue Cross and Blue Shaft Insurance Company and my rates have gone up through the ozone layer.
  • I was downsized four months ago, I looked at my premium and now I know why they call it COBRA.
  • I bought one of those limited indemnity plans a while back and they haven't paid for anything.
  • We don't have any insurance and we at least want something to pay for the catastrophic medical bills. We don't need a lot of doctor office visits.
  • I have a pre-existing condition. I have tried everyone. Maybe you'll have something for me.
  • I just got married and we need coverage for both of us. Oh yeah, she's pregnant. Is that a problem?

The More You Know, The Better You'll be.

Get as much information as you possibly can because it will help you decide which plan you will start them off with in the quote segment. Find out whether it's the benefits or the premium they are most concerned with. What pre-existing conditions they have. Armed with this information you will be able to customize a policy specifically for them and avoid quoting them something that they can't either afford or can't qualify for.

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