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Want to Be Eaten Alive? Or Win Control and Increase Insurance Commissions?

WHO IS IN CONTROL? Insurance salespeople must learn that either you control the situation or the situation controls you. Through years of buying thousands of items your prospect, know how to get the seller to serve them much like a clerk at a retail store. The insurance agent does not have time to merely highlight his product, with an information-shopping prospect that will never turn into a client As a True insurance agent you must change your technique and attitude and start taking control of the situation. If you cannot get yourself, a salary job or become a retail sales clerk!

GETTING EATEN ALIVE The majority of sales people are like a lion tamer without a whip. One false move and it is all over. The few insurance agents that survive develop the tools to stay in charge. You will see how to take control to increase insurance sales 200% or more. However, remember to be highly successful you must start by upgrading the "leads" and quality of insurance prospects you see. Then you must be able to turn a sale more often, by only working on the best leads you have. Often that means learning the techniques to learn how to separate quickly prospects that are worth pursuing.

WALK ALL OVER YOU Because of the daily buy/sell transactions of your prospects, in most of these situations if is the buyer who it is control. The buyer is used to shopping around for products that strike their emotional desires. Then only it the feel the situation is right will they make a purchase. If not they will walk a few stores down and see what they have to offer. They put the sales people at their mercy. Nevertheless, remember the vast majority of retail sales people are not paid solely on commission or they would not last the barrage of "kiss my feet" buyers for a week. They are not like you, a true insurance salesperson, but merely an order taker.

INSURANCE IS SOLD There are no retail insurance stores. Otherwise, someone could go in to pick off the top of a stack, an insurance policy that looks appealing. They go up to an order taker for assistance in filling it out. The final procedure is making payment at the cash register. Fortunately, insurance is not a policy purchased by visual appeal or merely price appeal. That is why so many policies sold over the internet never renew, and have so many claim problems when a loss results. Only you, a true seller of insurance, can write insurance policies that are renewed year after year, and where almost all claims are handled to your client's satisfaction.

Do Not Envy Insurance Companies Selling Over the Internet or on TV, PITY THE PURCHASERS, for they know not what they do.

REVEALING HOW TO INCREASE INSURANCE SALES The way to at least double your income involves one selling skill that few insurance agents every master. To do so you MUST Destroy your company or slightly modified presentation you are now using. You MUST develop a new flexible presentation to identify the customers most likely to buy from you. A skilled agent will recognize loser deals. You need to be able to stop from continuing a presentation. You will learn how to deal only with prospects that are ready to take action.

TAKING 100% CONTROL The person that ask questions is the one in control. Before you start you presentation give you prospects a yellow pad and pen, and tell them "if you have any questions, please feel free to jot them down, so I can answer them after explaining the policy benefits". See that was not hard; demand control and you will get it. If they dare speak up, let them ask their question. Respond with, "That is a good point that other CLIENTS of mine have asked, let me jot that on my pad. I will make sure I cover it shortly". Then proceed right on through. Next test your prospects. "Does the plan I presented cover enough of your needs, or is there an additional benefit you see important? The usual response if I do not think so. Then KEEP CONTROL. "Do you usually handle matters of this importance with an annual payment or in installments?"


A certain number of prospects are unwilling to give up control, another 30 minutes is not going to convince them. Put your foot down, no good skilled insurance agent is going to allow himself or herself to be stomped on. If they say, "I want to wait to see what my son's insurance agent says first" Reply back, "I don't think he is an expert in MY professional field." "Should I leave, solve your need now, or let you son decide exactly what you need?"

Client objection - I want to think it over. "If you talked to all the widows at a cemetery plot, many will tell you regretfully their husband said the same thing. "Do you want me to leave now, or do you want to rest better tonight knowing your wife will not have this problem?" Hint: Look straight at the wife while saying this. You prospect says, "I want to compare prices". Your answer, "If you buy cheap car insurance you will get cheap benefits at claim time, same thing here." "Let me know if you want me to leave now, as we can adjust price and benefits. I'm a professional and gave you the best I believe you can find."

Taking control over your prospect is a selling skill not hard to learn. But until you do, leaving the prospect in charge leads to very few sales.

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