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How to Sell Health Insurance Online- How to Qualify the Prospect Financially- Article 11 in a Series

Previously in this series we discussed the qualifying of your prospect on the phone for Medical Health Conditions. We'll take it one step further with qualifying them financially.

Take their financial temperature.

We all know we can't help some people because they don't qualify for major medical insurance and that's healthcare as we know it today. Unless Hillary, Ted , Joe, Barack, John or what's her name come up with something else then we just have to live with it the way it is. Ain't it grand?

Assuming your prospect has given full disclosure on their health then you need to find out their financial circumstances.

The medical information is extremely useful in giving you an idea what product to introduce them to.

The financial information? Better.

Mercedes. Range Rover. Two kids in Princeton. I thought they were gettin' by.

If you're making the transition from selling life insurance face to face with your clients you'll need to remember some of the things you may have forgotten.

How many times did you qualify your client based on appearances?

You designed an insurance policy that was loaded with all the things you thought they would need only to find out they couldn't afford it. They had all the material things in their home that indicated that they not only had impeccable taste but they had plenty of means to have that good taste.

You didn't realize that they only had basic cable for that $5000 retractable flat screen television. Who knew?

This is where you went off the beam.

You explained the policy you designed for them in intricate detail. It was the plan they would have chosen, if they could have afforded it. At that point you had a problem, didn't you? They couldn't afford that great policy.

So you backtrack, regroup and design a basic coverage plan for their basic needs. But now you have another problem. What ever you show them from this point on will not be that fantastic policy and they'll be unhappy. It's what they can afford but now it's not what they want.

If they flat line financially, knowing it sooner is better than knowing it later.

The same applies with Health Insurance.

Don't make the same mistake. Find out from your client what the budget is for the coverage. Find out what they're paying now and what they're trying to save. You need to get some kind of figure from them or you'll be repeating history. If they already have coverage, find out why they're not so thrilled with the company they're with now. It might just be all about the money.

Get little affirmations along the path to enlightenment.

By now you are using the iBoomerang product or something else to design the quote online with your client. They see your computer screen on their computer as if they were looking over your shoulder in your office. As you choose deductibles and co-pays you need to get their approval as you select each facet of the policy. They will see how each choice reflects in the price as you go.

Take the sage advice from Tom Hopkins and get their heads nodding up and down while they customize their own plan.

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