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How to Sell Health Insurance Online - How to Qualify the Prospect Medically - Article 9 in a Series

Don't discriminate against the rich. They're people, too.

Before we talk about qualifying them financially you need to get all the information required to qualify them medically. I have had several wealthy clients that could have afforded just about any premium imaginable but were uninsurable even at astronomical rates. You need to know what you're dealing with and structure a policy that may be a fit. It may not be conventional major medical insurance but there are alternatives.

Just the current hospitalizations, please. Your tonsils in eighth grade they're not so worried about.

People love to talk about themselves and their aches and pains. It's human nature. They'll tell you pretty much more than you need or care to know about some of the situations surrounding their last trip to the hospital. Be patient and let them talk but try to keep them on task in a nice way. Most people are forthcoming and up front about their recent hospitalizations and they want to make sure that it's documented because they realize that the claims won't be paid if they told a fib. Generally, people are pretty honest.

I just dropped in; To see what Condition my Condition was in.

However, there are a few people that know that they have pre-existing conditions and are trying to slip one past the goalie. They have been quoted rated up condition premiums and have been declined by half a dozen companies. They are looking for Michael Phelps super healthy human being rates and they're on a mission to get those fabulous rates from you. These folks have a way of avoiding specific health questions when you ask about their medical history. If they falter on the question of pre-existing condition then you are probably about to get less than factual information.

I have 78 conditions in the manual ending with 'itus. Can you be more specific?

Underwriting guides are lengthy to read so it's best to get an honest answer from your client in order to preempt a huge waste of valuable time on your part. It's not necessarily a waste of the prospects time because he is trying to manipulate healthy rates from you. He's wasted five other agent's time trying to do the same thing. Make sure they are specific on their medical information. Some conditions are a little offbeat and you may not have dealt with them before. It's impossible to be familiar with every medical anomaly known to civilized man unless you're an underwriter. They're scary in their knowledge of weird medical abnormalities. Don't guess and don't be an underwriter. Look up the condition and explain the company's position to the client on the phone.

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