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Do You Have What it Takes to Kick Start Your Insurance Business?

Being an agent, you are your own boss. You can decide how much income you want to make, you have the freedom and flexibility to decide how you want to use your time. Running you own business makes you feel you are in control and gives you personal satisfaction. You have more quality time with family and friends. You are able to make your own decision and implement your own ideas.

It is a double edge sword. The advantages can become disadvantages that work against you. You can decide to spend time to do something else instead of working on your business. It could mean long working hours at the beginning when you start up your business. It can also be stressful at times when you need to achieve business targets.

However once you have made up your mind to be in this business, then you just go for it. The price to success is total commitment to the business. It requires tremendous amount of energy and a great deal of personal sacrifice. You need to align every thought in you mind, engage every faculty of your body and get ready every tissue and muscle to work towards your goals.

You need to involve the 4Hs:


Be humble about your knowledge and be thirsty to learn more. Put yourself through education process. Read anything that can enrich your knowledge in the business. Attend training and seminars. Understand the market and analyze the market demand. Learn the business and products.

Learn and practice how to sell. Analyze the problems and challenges associated with the daily lives of people. Find out their needs and wants. Learn how to help address customers' concern and solve their problems. Talk to seniors to understand the practical aspects of the business.


A relationship begins with a handshake. Reach out to people. Insurance business is people business. The success of your business is dependent on the number of right people you stay in touch with. Expand your network. Get the help from the people you know to introduce you to more new people.

Make friends with fellow agents with positive mental attitude. You can't fly with the eagles if you continue to scratch with the turkeys. Insurance is a rejection business. Getting rejection is a daily affair. You need to neutralize negative thoughts and shake off the dust you gather in the field. Stay motivated. Talk to achievers and get a taste of their success and be inspired by their determination and perseverance.


Sales take place in the field. Go to the field and see the people. The best learning happens when you are eyeball to eyeball with your customers. Create the first good impression with your customers for there is no second opportunity to create the first good impression. While ensuring your customer is comfortable with you, stay in control in the sales interview.

Follow the footstep of successful agents. You don't need to reinvent the wheel. There are two ways to learn. Either you learn from your own mistake or you learn from other people's mistake. Of the two mistakes, learning from other people's mistake costs you the least.

Walk extra miles for there is less competition. Your customers may require your presence in many situations. Every contact point you have with your customer helps cement your relationship with your customers. One more appointment with your customer means one less appointment your competitor has with your customer.


Be passionate about what you are doing. Your passion brings out the best in you. Love the fact that insurance is a tough business. It is by going through the tough time we learn to be stronger and wiser. Love your difficult customers because they are the reason for you to be better and more competent.

Hold onto your dreams in life and your belief in this business. When you are down and dejected, it is your belief that makes you stay. It is your dreams that drive you to move forward. Many people give up this business because they have lost their goals in life and their faith in this business.


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