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Exposed! #1 Biggest and Most Costly Insurance Marketing Mistake Made by Most Insurance Agents Today

Most insurance marketing techniques as well as insurance marketing solutions are not effective for several reasons, but one of the biggest underlying reasons is the insurance marketing foundation that insurance agents try to market upon.

Let me explain.

Most insurance marketing pieces are cursed with the curse of knowledge. Now I wish I could take responsibility for coming up with this saying because I think it is a really cool concept, but I think I read it in a book.

Here is what I mean when I say insurance agents marketing is cursed with the curse of knowledge: Try this test. If you are hearing a song in your head for this example we will use the song Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and you try to tap your finger on the table to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle and you are not humming the song, just tapping the tune that you can hear in your head, and try to have someone listen to you tapping the tune on the table and they have to guess what the song is that you are tapping then you will be shocked at how they can not figure out what it is you are tapping!

If you do not believe me, then try it right now with whomever you are with. Tell them to guess the song you are singing in your head, but you will tap out the tune on a desk or wall or whatever.

They will get frustrated trying to figure it out and you will get frustrated and try to tap the song harder, slower, faster, softer, EVERYTHING you can think of to help them guess what the song is, but the communication NEVER occurs. The curse of knowledge is that you are hearing the song in your head and trying to convey it via tapping and to you it seems insane that they can not figure it out, but to them you are coming across like Jack Nicholson in in the movie One Flew Over the Coo-Coos Nest!

The disconnect and miscommunication is because of the reality that is based on YOUR OWN knowledge. You, the insurance agent, know the song but they, as the insurance prospect do not at this point and you are trying to convey the knowledge by tapping which seems really easy and simple to you because once again you can hear the song in your head, but your insurance marketing prospect can not hear the song because they do not have the knowledge that you have.

So the bottom line is that insurance marketing needs to be targeted based on the reality that is in YOUR PROSPECTS head because this is their knowledge. And always remember their reality does not mean it is the truth, in fact, it could just be their perception, but it IS their reality until your insurance marketing overcomes their perception.

So here's where the Big mistake begins.

First, most insurance agent think there is only one reality. WRONG!

The truth is there are literally 2 realities. Your reality based on your knowledge. And the prospect has a reality based on their perception. Most insurance agents are dillusioned into thinking that their insurance marketing will work using the agents sense of reality and impose it onto the prospects. This NEVER works.

Too many times insurance agents will want to argue and say the prospect has a wrong reality, to which I do not deny, but the bigger question is Do You Want To Be Right or Rich?

Just like tapping your finger to Twinkle Twinkle or the Star Spangled Banner and expecting someone to guess what the song is just by hearing you Tap out the tune (I am serious, you have to try this simple exercise and it will amaze you,But do not cheat and hum the song! ) When you market to the reality in your head you will explain, justify, etc all based on truth and end up with ZERO results.

Here is another Two Realities Of Marketing Analogy.

If you are married you will know what I am about to say is pure unadulterated truth. Let us say you and your spouse have an argument. You know what REALLY happened and then you hear what your spouse thinks what happened and you quickly realize that one of you were not at the same event!

That is the same type of disconnect that occurs with your insurance prospects if you choose to use your reality when marketing verses their perception of reality. And if you are really married, then you know for darn sure that you will not win this battle! (If your spouse is with you do not laugh out loud right now because you do not want to have to explain this to them because that will only lead to an argument. Just trust me on this.)

So in summary, as an insurance agent you must strip yourself of the curse of knowledge and position your insurance marketing to speak to the insurance prospects knowledge and reality and move them along the conveyor belt of decesions to arrive at the only logical conclusion which is to obtain your insurance services and or insurance products!

I hope you have found this information helpful and instructive, and most importantly I hope you use it to take accurate actions to go and grow your agency.

To get your FREE GIFT and discover more unique and powerful profit producing proven insurance marketing solutions including breakthrough Direct Response Marketing tips to generate Insurance Leads then please visit the Insurance Mavericks at http://www.insurancemarketingmavericks.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_T._Johnson

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